
Monday, 10 September 2012

Blog now accepting Guest Bloggers

The Indie Ebook Review Site is now accepting submissions for guest bloggers. Please read on or on our submissions page for details on how to submit.

Guest Post Submissions

Looking to have a guest post on the website to gain extra exposure, I now welcome submissions for them. It can't simply be a self promotion, but rather something that people that would find useful in their lives. Please read below for the process

The Process

  1.  If it is your first time guest blogging on our site, then please do write a first draft for submission. If you have guest blogged before, then write a short explanation of what topic you would like to write about on the blog.
  2. E-mail us at with the first draft / proposed topic. If this is your first time then please include any urls to previous guest posts you have done before.
  3. I will contact you whether we wish to feature the article and if we feel any changes need to be done (if a first draft has been submitted). I will then ask it you would like a particular date for release or not and we will agree for a release date and a final submission date (if required).
  4. You may ask to have one link to your website and one to a book and a picture of either you or a book cover that you own the rights to.
  5. I will upload your post and set it to go off at the agreed time. On it at the end I will include a blurb about you and your latest release / upcoming release with a link to your website and / or a link to the book on amazon.
  6. I will advertise the post at the usual places.

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