Story Overview:
Fifteen-year-old Roller Deb is singled
out by town bullies for both her skates, and for being different. When her
popular sister is kidnapped by a local drug dealer, Deb must flee the trailer
park in which she's grown up, and rescue her. Along the way, Deb becomes
enmeshed in the magical realm of trolls and fairies, and the blood-thirsty
version of roller derby at which these beings excel. But spending too much time
among the fairies comes with a price.
Cover Page: 15/20
While I look at the cover I tend to be in two
minds. It is simple in its design with a rather enigmatic character looking out
at the reader. Both of which can entice many a customer, but with the title
being Troll or Derby, I don’t see the connection between fairy on the front
cover, the title of the book or the genre as such (although I have never seen
fairies as dark fantasy myself so probably my imagination). Also the cover
looks out of proportions to the book, which can detract from overall look.
However all things considered I think the simplicity, the writing and the
character really excel this cover.
Character (and their development): 15/20
The characters in this story are well throughout
and interesting enough to follow throughout the book without wishing for a larger
assembled cast. My main problem is that the two main characters are very much
alike and if you read one chapter and then another without the helpful chapter
title telling you who was talking, you might get a little confused on who was
talking. But the development which happens within the book was brilliant and I
like the idea that the characters have been well established in their
communities before and everything has a connection.
Storyline: 18/20
The storyline is face paced, exhilarating and interesting
to say the least. There are twists, turns and surprises and each character has
their own personal goals which make the story flow brilliantly. But what I
would say is that there was little time for ‘breathing’ in the book and that
pace needed to have a little rest from time to time, if only to give other
areas more impact.
Style: 12/20
As some people know, I am not a fan of 1st
person. I find the concept to be difficult for anything other short stories.
However in this piece the 1st person works well because we see the
perspective from two different angels, both in 1st person. However
what I did not like this time round was the idea that we were seeing the same
events twice. Once from one character, the second time from another character.
Each character may have had something different to say about each part of the
story. But at the same time it was necessary through most of the book.
Also something else that I picked up on was some
historical inaccuracies. There was a moment in the book when the author
commented on something being like World War 2 Jet fighters. I am pretty sure
that Germany were only just developing jet engines at the end of the war and
were never fully able to produce a squadron and Britain and the USA didn’t employ
them. Please do correct me if I am wrong, I love finding out new stuff, but I
have never actually heard of them used in combat during World War 2.
Spelling and Grammar: 18/20
Spelling and grammar were not bad. The odd mistake
here or there, which to be honest was no more or less than any traditionally
published author’s books of about this size.
Conclusion: 78/100
A book that is well worth a read for horror and
dark fantasy fans; or for those readers who like a fast paced novel with plenty
of description. But readers with tastes away from fairies, trolls and those who
may take offence at violence and drug use (although the latter definitely seen
in a negative view within the book) should think twice.
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