- Never write my own reviews, nor will I use sock puppets or other methods to falsely present my books as being of superior quality or to promote them over that of others.
- Never ask others to like/tag/review my book without reading it simply to 'support other writers'
- Never ask others to vote for my book without reading it in order to get a positive review or vote in order to have my book selected by an agent or publisher over that of other qualified writers
- Never ask others to give another writer bad reviews in order to make my book appear better than that writer
- Never use another's post in order to promote my own book
- Not advertise my books on sites that do not allow it. nor will I spam (advertise) endlessly. One post per day per site should be enough.
- Always read the rules on every site, and respect those rules as they have been laid out, without looking for loopholes
- Agree to always treat other authors with respect and act in a professional manner
The Indie Ebook Review Site is a place where E-books written by independent authors (indie) are reviewed. Please have a look at our Staff pages to see who of our staff is currently reviewing at the moment and what genres they are reviewing.
Writer's Code of Honour
I, as a professional writer who values my integrity. do solemnly swear that I shall
I agree with your Writer's Code of Honour. I try to adhere to all 8 rules because I consider myself a professional writer/illustrator, and I want others to think of me as a professional, too. Thanks for sharing your WCoH.